Handstand Yoga Workshop

Startet am Sunday, 23/06/2019
Price 30.00 €


Handstand is something that many yogis try to achieve. Being able to stand on your arms, all the way upside down, bring you not just a new perspective into your yoga practice, but also to your life. It’s might sound like the ultimate achievement, but it’s actually easier that you might think. If you feel a big respect towards inversions and handstand especially. this is a workshop for you, because shedding the fear of kicking up is one thing we will focus on too. This 2 hours workshop will give you tools to learn the proper engagement and body awareness necessary for standing on your palms.

Teacher :



1.23/06/201916:00 - 18:00Döblergasse 2, 1070 WienLenka

* All prices including VAT