Katchie Ananda

Startet am Friday, 24/05/2019
Price 58.00 CHF


The Healing Journey Yoga can be approached as an endless effort to perfect the body, or it can be done to liberate the body in order to find a shortcut to Spirit. Join Katchie Ananda for the second approach, celebrate a fiesta of the body, through yoga, dharma, and soma. Learn how to become a master weaver of your life’s tapestry with wisdom and grace.

Open to all Levels. This workshop combines yoga asanas, chanting and meditation.

Teacher :

Katchie Ananda

Katchie Ananda has been teaching as a full-time yoga teacher since 1991. She is certified in Integral, Jivamukti, Anusara, and Ashtanga yoga by Richard Freeman. A committed student of Vipassana Meditation, she has practiced with Jack Kornfield, her Buddhist teacher since 2001. In this workshop you will learn how to take care of your body during your yoga practice. You will learn the importance of finding your own practice. You will enjoy meditating and chanting and you will learn how to be present in your body. You will get the chance to enjoy Katchie’s special asanas, influenced by yoga, dharma and soma, you might be laughing and crying at the same time.


1.24/05/201911:00 - 13:00Blaufahnenstrasse 12, 8001 ZürichKatchie Ananda


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