Acroyoga basics: Symmetry and Alignment INTERN

Startet am Sunday, 05/04/2020
Price from 0.00 CHF


AcroYoga playfully joins elements from Yoga with the dynamic energy of Partner Acrobatic. Through this combination, the practitioner awakens and develops a deep awareness of his balance, body tension and concentration.

You will discover the fundamental techniques of working in partners: what to do and how, what not to do and why. You will be given the basic techniques of how to assist two people working together: the fine art of spotting. And last but not least we will have a wonderful time for connecting with ourselves and with each other in a playful and fun way!

Level: total beginners and practitioners up to about six months of experience. You can and are welcome to come alone, there is no need to come in partners.

Teacher :

Salvatore Daniele

I was always focused on physical activities. I am a slackline extreme athlete, founder and president of Zürich’s association and a board member and founder of the Swiss National Slackline Federation.
I love to teach and practice Yoga Asanas and AcroYoga as a physical complement and support to my meditation practice.
I feel that the practice of extreme sports combined with meditative disciplines establishes the balance between playing and staying.
In both activities my ultimate goal is to live here and now, to play here and now, to stay here and now.


1.05/04/202013:00 - 16:00Gartenstrasse 14, 8002 ZürichSalvatore Daniele


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* All prices including VAT