MINDFUL BODY Extended Version

Startet am Thursday, 09/05/2019
Price 35.00 €


MOVE, FEEL, RELEASE Join us for an Extended MINDFUL BODY Version! Clear the energy, and renew balance, strength and confidence. Move to create new space for you to live in. The power that results when mind, body & spirit are working together as one unit has limitless potential.

WHERE: Nordbahn-Halle beim Wasserturm Leystraße/Ecke Taborstraße 1020 Wien Anfahrtsadresse Navi: Leystraße 157

U-Bahn: U1 – “Vorgartenstraße” (Fußweg 10 Minuten) Bus: 11A, 11B – “Pensionsversicherungsanstalt”​ Bus: 11A, 11B – “Holubstrasse”​ Straßenbahn: 2 – “Innstrasse”​

Teacher :



1.09/05/201919:00 - 21:00Parisergasse 6, 1010 WienVerena


72 Stunden vor Beginn

* All prices including VAT