Matt Giordano Immersion

Startet am Friday, 06/09/2019
Price from 220.00 CHF


For Yogis and Yoga Teachers looking to truly master body awareness through the practice of Asana

For those that have been developing a steady yoga practice but are really searching to dive into the next layer and develop a true sense of mastery, this is the training for you. This Immersion uses the Elements (Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Space) as a basis for self awareness and deeper knowledge of both body and mind. The Elements of Mastery will take you step by step through the body and provide you with the skills to truly understand your own body both the energetically and practically.

Trainees will learn to feel their anatomy through “Muscle Actions” and observe what Matt calls “joint relationships” to gain a total understanding from mind to body. In addition to Asana practice there will be postural clinics, body reading, visual demonstration break downs, partner exercises and specific hands on adjustments to develop a stronger kinesthetic connection to precise muscle actions and structural alignments.

If you are wanting to take your Asana practice to a new level of mastery, feel better in your body, and attain the skills to help others feel good in their body than this immersion is perfect for you.

Teacher :

Matt Giordano

Matt Giordano (500 ERYT) gives credit to an influential figure from his teenage years–his high school art teacher– for sparking within him the curiosity and tenacity that eventually led him to yoga. It was Eileen Walk who told Giordano: „You are not allowed to say ‚I can’t.‘ You must rephrase to a question: ‚How?'“


1.06/09/201914:00 - 20:00Seestrasse 53, 8702 ZollikonMatt Giordano
2.07/09/201910:30 - 18:00Seestrasse 53, 8702 ZollikonMatt Giordano
3.08/09/201909:30 - 16:30Seestrasse 53, 8702 ZollikonMatt Giordano


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* All prices including VAT