Exploring the Standing postures of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga - ABGESAGT!!!!!!!!

Price from 0.00 €


Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga is a style of yoga created by K. Pattabhi Jois, in Mysore India where the KPJAYI institute stands today and is often referred to as the original vinyasa vinyasa, the base of many of the different vinyasa practices we see today. With the use of Tristhana (the three places of attention or action: breathing system (pranayama), posture (asana), and looking place (drishti) ) a practitioner will work through a set sequence of postures know as the Primary, intermediate and advances series.

The standing postures of the Primary series are intelligently sequenced where through breath, asana, bandha and drishti, we get the opportunity to experience the meditative qualities of the practice. Join Katy for a three hour workshop where we will be exploring these standing postures. In this workshop we will be systematically breaking down each asana including Surya Namaskar A and B to Virabhadrasana B and learning the fundamentals of the asana including alignment, modifications and the practiced counts that allows the sequence to seamlessly flow together.

This workshop is open to all levels and practice styles and costs 40 Euros.

This workshop will be held in English.

Katy is an International E-RYT 500 hour yoga teacher, founder of The Vinyasa People Yoga Studios, Co-founder of Yin Nation Store, blogger, and an avid ashtanga practitioner, partner and a Mum based in Bonn.

Katy has has the opportunity to practice many different styles of yoga from Vinyasa, Jivamukti and Yin but now has a very settled practice within the Ashtanga Vinyasa method. She has taken various teacher trainings over the years including the very special Ashtanga intensive at the Miami Life Center under the guidance of Kino Macgregor and Tim Feldmann. She has also completed adjustment trainings with the incredible David Swenson and Tim Feldmann and several workshops with Laruga Glaser, John Scott and many more. She has also recently spent a month in Mysore India practicing with Paramaguru Sharath Jois at the KPJAYI institute in Mysore India which was a dream she has had since the beginning of her yoga practice.

You will often find Katy teaching in Bonn in her regular classes and teacher trainings or on one of her international retreats in location such as Italy, Chamonix and Scotland. In her spare time she love to travel for practice, work on her blog Home Is Where The Mat Is and spend time with her partner and son.

Partner of Balance Yoga - Studio Sachsenhausen

* All prices including VAT