The Art of Listening- Yin Yoga & Sound Ceremony

Starts on Sunday, 22/09/2019
Price 40.00 €


Every year, the Autumnal Equinox holds the balance between hours of light & hours of darkness before our days slowly get shorter and our nights grow to be longer, marking the beginning of a new season. With the fleeting heat of summer, theres a different clarity in the air, and we get a chance to slow down and prepare ourselves to go inward. While the trees shake off their leaves, we too are reminded on how we have the chance to let go and not take with us what is no longer serving our highest good. In order to find clarity on what to let go of, we neednt look to the outside world for answers, as most of what we see & dont like finds its root in our own patterns that need to go. All we have to do is get still, listen, and allow the space for clarity to arrive.

If this resonates with you, we whole-heartedly invite you to join us on a journey of Yin Yoga, Breathwork & Crystaline Soundhealing.

What the workshop will contain:

~ Breathwork exercises you can also practice at home

~ Yin Yoga sequence (related to the quality of autumn and the connected meridians and organs) that will support you on your journey to more clarity and to find ease in letting go

~ Ancient ritual to let go of what isn't serving anymore and manifesting what we truly seek

~ Guided meditation that will connect you with your heartspace accompanied by soundhealing with Alchemy Crystal Bowls

 ~ Essential Oil for you to take home Bring your yogamat, a soft towle to use as a pillow and a blindfold/something to cover your eyes with.

Date? 22. September Time?  2 - 4 pm Costs? 40 Euros

Teacher :

Nelli (Dt./Engl.)

Nelli hat 2012 das Mahalaya Yoga Studio gegründet. Ihre erste große Yogaliebe war das Hot Yoga und so unterrichtet sie diese heiße Yogaform bereits seit 2008. Im Laufe der Jahre hat sie zahlreiche Weiterbildungen in den Bereichen Ernährung, Yoga, Körper- und Heilarbeit absolviert. Besonders geprägt haben sie die Yin Yoga Ausbildung und die Arbeit mit Ana Forrest. Für Nelli ist Yoga weit mehr als nur eine Abfolge von Körperstellungen. Es ist eine ganzheitliche Praxis, die tiefgreifende Wirkungen auf körperlicher, emotionaler und mentaler Ebene entfalten kann.


1.22/09/201914:00 - 16:00Boxhagener Straße 76, 10245 BerlinNelli (Dt./Engl.)

* All prices including VAT