THE POWER OF AYURVEDA IN YOUR LIFE - Upgrade your health to the next level - Janesh Vaidy

Startet am Sunday, 06/10/2019
Price from 0.00 €



  • Upgrade your health to the next level - Janesh Vaidy

Der Vortrag wird auf englisch gehalten. Janesh schafft es jedoch sehr verständlich und anschaulich alle Bereiche zu erläutern. Es bedarf keiner herausragenden Englischkenntnisse.


A perfect metabolism is the first sign of good health and it is depending on your intake of physical and mental food - what you eat and what you think!

While eating wrong makes you feel sick in your stomach and collapses your entire metabolism, thinking wrong makes you feel stressed, anxious and depressed and thus effects both your body and mind systems.

Janesh Vaidya, internationally renowned Ayurveda practitioner and the author of ‘Die Mental Kraft des Ayurveda’, explains in the two hour lecture how the most ancient medical system in the world can help you in this modern era, to understand your body and mind problems, and provides you with the simple tools you can use in your daily life to solve them by yourself.

The lecturer will also give you the instructions on how to start with a 21 days health program that you can practice at your home without making major changes in your present life. Through this three weeks self-practice you can experience the benefits of this ancient health science in your life and see the difference in your energy levels both in your body and mind. During your practice, while your body starts to show the results through a better digestion, your mind shows it with more confidence, peace, joy and less stress.

For more information about Janesh Vaidya and ayurveda visit:

Teacher :

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1.06/10/201914:00 - 16:30Chemnitzer Straße 13, 44139 DortmundJanesh

* All prices including VAT